So my first year of university has finished. My exams are over and they could have gone a lot better. I slept through one, had friends down for a gig the day of another and generally was so relaxed about revision that I only panicked twenty minutes before each exam. And yet I loved it because I loved my first year. I've probably fucked myself for the next few years but I couldn't care at the moment. I've jumped through a lot of hoops for medicine and even ended up on a degree that wasn't even my second choice. As my advisor says "If you want to mess up a year, the first one is the one to do it in".
I've spent today buying UKCAT books and sitting in a Starbucks in Piccadilly drinking mocha frappes. It's been pretty cool and I think that I've got a much better attitude for the UKCAT this time round. I'm going to start at the basics going over GCSE Maths, practice speed reading and making sure I do the damn shape tests in my sleep.
Just in case I haven't mentioned, my university (Queen Mary) lets 2nd year Biomeds apply to their Medicine degrees for deferred entry hence the UKCAT stuff. I'm pretty excited about the application process but also hesitant. I'm going to be on a course next year with 80 other people applying for medicine at the same place. I'm sure that will drive me mental slightly. We'll see.
Also I should probably proof read my posts before positing but then it gives me another reason not to post so apologies for the rushed nature. Now that summer is coming they'll be more planned and organised.