Well I've been busy over the past month. That's my excuse for not posting more often. I've begun my plan of preparing my application for medicine. I so far have been elected to represent my college as a further education officer, am now part of my town's official youth council and also have contacted a man who can get me to help out with my local hospital's radio. I've just got to arrange some work experience, save the world from some virus and fit in my job and I'm a few steps closer to becoming a med student.
Now college has been great. In the time between the last post, I've been to two main college parties and many smaller ones. They have rocked ass. I have one a month and can not wait for my next one in November. Me and my mates have a blast!
I've been watching the med well, with updates coming in from RemedyUK, Foundation Programme and the DoH. The situation seems to be getting worse, with the DoH attempting to stop non European Doctors from entering the MMC system. AS if it's their fault. The government's poor planning, higher med school out put and reduced consultancy positions has resulted in the overflow of foundation doctors. Discriminating against other countries will not help, only buy them time.
BTW, Little Medic is back from his elective and has been posting all about it for a while. I recommend checking it out! HERE
Also If your cool enough to be invited (or bribed him enough) then check out Little's Private Blog, where he dishes all the dirt about missbliss (only joking)
HEHE! Thanks a lot for the mention. Glad you're having fun in college and it certainly sounds like you're going the right way about improving your application for med school!