Thursday, 31 July 2008

Camping: Student Style

These past two weeks have been hectic, I've been doing loads of volunteering; ringing every Tom, Dick and Harry for a job; and to top it off I've had to cancel appointments with doctors over the weekend to go on a camping trip with some friends to Wales.

One of my mates' birthday was on Tuesday, and every year she likes to go camping in Wales at a certain campsite cause it's amazing apparently. So a few months ago I nodded my head, sounded interested and then never thought about it again. I've got work experience next week, two appointments to talk to docs over the weekend and a driving lesson and the dentist. Normally I would have refused based on no job = no money or just busy. But so many people have pulled out and I do feel bad because I kinda committed. Her mum has even payed for tent, minivan and all the food for the weekend. It's practically a free trip = student heaven.

Yet either way I lose and I have unfortuantely now committed myself to her birthday weekend (I didn't go last year so key factor) and I've managed to rearrange my meetings with docs. However I still feel like I've done the wrong thing and really need to sit down with my friends again and explain the stuff I'm going through.

I'm looking forward to all the partying and such that will happen, so I can't really complain. I just might take a few medical books and get some ukcat practice questions on my ipod just so I feel little it isn't a complete waste - medically speaking.

On another note, over the past week I've done all my laundry, ironing and cooking in what my parents call a preparation week for uni. Still got a year to go but they want me to have these skills nailed so that local takeways aren't the main outgoings from my student loans.

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