Monday, 22 December 2008

First Rejection

So the first letter came today. It was Leicester. My dad bless him, actually woke me up and handed my the mail while I was still in bed. My dad is a big fan of Leicester you see. Took me there for the open day, loved the campus and it got his two thumbs up. Yet I forgot to explain to him the thin letter rule.

I know it is very unlikely, bordering on impossible to get an offer of medicine based on my AS grades this year but it still knocked me a little. Don't know why but it did. Crazy. I did love Leicester and it was bordering around my 2nd/3rd choice with Leeds. I don't know. I suppose they might take pity on my application, that my PS might really stand out. Fat Chance for Leicester.

Got the generic response though. "Appreciated your application", "large volume of students" and "your application have been passed to the biomedical department". It was nice of them to send a letter rather than let me know through UCAS so thanks Lecister.


  1. Rejections always suck, but there's always other ways into medical school besides A-levels - just takes a little longer.

    Well dont for being so honest about it all, but be careful not to be too hard on yourself and don't let it spoil your christmas.

  2. sorry that's meant to be 'well done'


  3. cheers Harry.
    My mind keeps spinning over ideas for different routes. I don't know, need to look at uni's and my other options. Still waiting to hear about the Paramedic course.

    Got to much work over Christmas to worry about it. Although i'm still checking UCAS everyday like a obsessed nutjob.

    Merry Christmas mate
