I'm so please with my self (Don't I sound pompous)!!!! I love my GCSE RESULTS!!!!
3 A* - English Language, Geography and RE
6 A - Science (Double), Maths, IT, Citizenship and English Literature
1 B - Graphics
I'm off to college! Another Step towards MEDICINE and BEING A DOCTOR!!!!!!
In 2005 I decided I wanted to be a doctor. A gap year and a degree later, I'm a third year medical student at Barts and The London Medical School.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Policy Based On Patient Views ... Yeah Right!!!!
Choice of admission date or hospital and having enough information about hospitals to make an informed decision ... were ranked at the bottom of 82 issues.Yes the policy of providing choice for patients, which resulted in NHS Choices and choosing any hospital for your admission, has been driven though by the government even though the Health Commission's most recent survey proved we didn't care. Article here and survey here.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Don't Be A Doctor!
I've been catching up on my med-blog reading after deciding to step back from the computer for a few days and discovered a little gem of a blog. Incidental Findings provides a wonderful look on med school and life as a doctor. It is honest, descriptive and sometimes blunt. I surfed through blogs and discovered a series of posts called "Don't Become a Doctor". There are currently ten but a planned 16 so I await six more.
I found the series very useful and gave me a side to medicine I haven't seen. I would recommend others to read it because I feel I am more more comfortable for when my time comes at med school interviews.
For those who are too lazy to read the pages I have linked and summarized each post.
1# - Describes how as a doctor you see people at their worst. You will see suffering, abuse and all kinds of human atrocities. You will face the dark side of humanity, if you can't accept it don't choose medicine.
2# - As a doctor you will learn to emotionally detach yourself from patients. Yet this can cause problems at home and in relationships if you remain closed.
3# - Curing is rare as many diseases cannot be eradicated. Medicine is more about extending life.
4# - Medicine will become part of your lifestyle. "A cruel mistress" who will always be there.
5# - You should not look to the career for admiration. Yes people will constantly ask your advice but if they are not your patient then you should not give it. Responsibility comes with the job and you must be aware how serious people take your word.
6# - Your sense of humour should be dark, not to be horribile, but to distance yourself. If you can't accept that then get out as other staff will laugh.
7# - Being thanked for all your work is not something to look for in medicine. Not all patients will thank you and you may even be sued. Look elsewhere for constant recognition.
8# - Others careers may stay constant but medicine will change. You must keep up or fall behind.
9# - Like any job you will get responsibility, however you are given responsibility over human life. People trust you to make the decision. If you can't except the pressure, walk away now.
10# - Many doctors are portrayed badly in the press. GPs are seen as greedy and selfish. If you are looking for prestige and admiration then medicine should be avoid. The media will not help the image.
All pre-meds and those considering please read these. I would also recommend another series he has written called "Why I Choose Medicine, #2, #3 and #4"
I found the series very useful and gave me a side to medicine I haven't seen. I would recommend others to read it because I feel I am more more comfortable for when my time comes at med school interviews.
For those who are too lazy to read the pages I have linked and summarized each post.
1# - Describes how as a doctor you see people at their worst. You will see suffering, abuse and all kinds of human atrocities. You will face the dark side of humanity, if you can't accept it don't choose medicine.
2# - As a doctor you will learn to emotionally detach yourself from patients. Yet this can cause problems at home and in relationships if you remain closed.
3# - Curing is rare as many diseases cannot be eradicated. Medicine is more about extending life.
4# - Medicine will become part of your lifestyle. "A cruel mistress" who will always be there.
5# - You should not look to the career for admiration. Yes people will constantly ask your advice but if they are not your patient then you should not give it. Responsibility comes with the job and you must be aware how serious people take your word.
6# - Your sense of humour should be dark, not to be horribile, but to distance yourself. If you can't accept that then get out as other staff will laugh.
7# - Being thanked for all your work is not something to look for in medicine. Not all patients will thank you and you may even be sued. Look elsewhere for constant recognition.
8# - Others careers may stay constant but medicine will change. You must keep up or fall behind.
9# - Like any job you will get responsibility, however you are given responsibility over human life. People trust you to make the decision. If you can't except the pressure, walk away now.
10# - Many doctors are portrayed badly in the press. GPs are seen as greedy and selfish. If you are looking for prestige and admiration then medicine should be avoid. The media will not help the image.
All pre-meds and those considering please read these. I would also recommend another series he has written called "Why I Choose Medicine, #2, #3 and #4"
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
My Brain Ain't Empty ... Far From It
Based on Couz's post I decided to make my own list:
- Money (I have so must I need to buy and yet I never seem to have enough)
- My work are being arseholes because I want to change my contract hours for college.
- I can't decide if i have chosen the right college. I have moaned at my friends to come to my college cause it is better, but when it comes down to it I have a strong desire to go to my local college.
- My local hospital volunteer department hasn't responded to my emails, I need to phone them up, something I wasn't hoping to do but oh well.
- I'm going on holiday at the end of August to Spain. It's great but the day after we get back college starts. Very poor planning on my parents part.
- I need to get into shape and build some muscle but I am too lazy and lack motivation. I've never struggled with projects or tasks before.
- If I go to the currently chosen college then I will not know anyone. I am scared and nervous, I've never felt thing about a school before.
- I want to go into medicine so bad but have two years, I'm just very impatient.
- I want to watch all of Heroes but haven't got time to sit down.
- It dawned on me two weeks ago that my grandparents won't be here for ever. I've been spending more and more time with them but feel I won't be ready for the inevitable.
- Watching the NHS crisis unfold I worry about the future of UK doctors not only for myself but to the many currently in training.
- My room is a mess. I have been slipping on many bases over the past few months.
- I feel embarrassed about this list and posting private emotion but I think I'm still anonymous.
My Heart Goes Out

I have been watching and reading the news searching for information on August 1st or D-Day as Dr Rant puts it! Many sites have focused on the scandal but take the view of patient care being delayed and only cover the fact many jobs have not been filled or all start on one day.
The Mail covers the issue over two days both here and here. Remedy UK is given the opportunity to talk on the topic saying 'Wednesday is a bad day to go into hospital.' It does well to cover both the patient care and the job scandal. The second article recognises that hospital are a risk to patients. I for one am scared yet the DoH stride on stating 'The rotation of junior doctors starts in August every year and has done for decades.' Yes this is true however the introduction has been staggered and consultants and SHOs have been available to provide support. The system is currently flooded with doctors new to their work place and possibly entire city/town. They have been shitted on by the Trusts, Colleges and DoH. Yet the system rolls on and I congratulate the doctors for pushing through.
The BMA are found to be commenting in many articles. There is "complete confusion about the recruitment process" and "Juniors will miss out on clinical work because of last-minute interviews". They have the audacity to moan about an application system, suggesting reasons for the flaw when only a few moths ago the opposed Remedy UK and many of the BMA's members. They encouraged the introduction of the system which is crumbling around them. It is appalling they could say this but here they are. However I did not write this post to moan (well not completely) I wanted to congratulated the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals who have dealt with and supported hospitals across the country. Well done and thank you. With out the hard work and continual input our health care would have died long ago.
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