Thursday, 28 May 2009

Revision Break

I'm pretty proud of myself. Been working very well the past week. Law and Mechanics seemed to go okay but can never judge with law or maths. Hope I get some As there *touch wood*

Um.. mainly been focussed on Foundation module for biology next monday morning. Awful module. Everytime I've take it I've never got higher that a D. I'm focussing on the textbook still, making sure I know the knowledge. Gonna look at past papers possibly tonight, probably tomorrow. Do some Maths tonight. Just have to finish a chapter on DNA transcription and I'm done.

Sorry it's nothing interesting. I'd give you some drama updates from my life but they are pretty sad and won't give those people the benefit of knowing they've even touched on my life.

Will start talking about plans soon. UKCAT. America. Medicine. Other Degrees (what the fuck do I do on results day for accommodation and funding?).


  1. You should have submitted a student finance application already so on results day you have to fill in a change of circumstance form to change your course and university. If you haven’t filled in a form do one as soon as possible even if you have to leave the university blank. That way if you do have to pursue another degree you will get your loan at the start of the term which your unlikely to do if you submit the form on results day.

    If you go through clearing then you generally apply for accommodation at any university which gives you and offer and you accept on results day. My advice head down and pick up a newspaper first thing in the morning before getting your results, that way if you are pursuing another degree you can ring round straight away for the best courses before place fill up.

    Good luck with your up coming exams and hope you don’t end up following the same route as me into medicine.

  2. Apparently I'm already registered. I can see some fun phone calls tomorrow morning :(
